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Our Management Team

Management & Staff portfolio

At Tai Lifestyle Limited, our success is fueled by a dynamic and experienced team, led by a group of seasoned professionals with a shared commitment to excellence, innovation, and client satisfaction.

Our team of employees hails from every craft and expertise in the field, allowing us to combine innovative supply chain methods coupled with proven quality products and standards.

CPA John Boscow Lifestylegroup CEO

CPA John Boscow Wanga

Chief Executive Officer
Moses Odera CFO Lifestyle Group

Moses Odera

Finance Manager
Scholastica Kabura Group Admin Lifestyle group

Scholastica Kabura

Administration Manager
cyrus maina operations manager lifestyle group

Cyrus Maina

Projects Manager

ngala lifestyle group

Richard Ndolo

Supply Chain Manager
stephen odhiambo lifestyle group marketing manager

Stephen Odhiambo

Sales & Marketing Manager
john milalu lifestyle group ict manager

John Milalu

ICT Manager

At Tai Lifestyle Limited, we believe in a collaborative approach where each team member contributes their unique skills and insights. Regular training, skill development programs, and a commitment to fostering a positive work environment are central to our organizational culture. Our team is not just a workforce; they are the driving force behind our success and the embodiment of our values.